My Paradise | Teen Ink

My Paradise

December 10, 2018
By Anonymous

I glance up and the quiet, glazed stars peek down on me as i prepare to enter an eternal getaway. I begin to sink slowly into the soothing quicksand that makes up my bed. The same bed which is concealed by my silky sheets. I shivered and small goosebumps grew throughout my arms as the sheets closed down on me. The sheets that make me feel warm; that beautifully sync with my body, hugging me. The only hug that I know I can always count on to make me feel safe, keeping me away from my lonely thoughts.

As I begin reflecting on my day, I can feel myself growing as a person. Thinking about all the mistakes i’ve made and how I should change to benefit myself. All these thoughts and careful analyzing help me mature into the person I want to be.

I begin to wander off away from reality. The reality that brings me more bad than good. At this point I am finally reaching my final destination: sleep, complete and utter relaxation.

Sleep is the umbrella to the thunder that is devoted to following me around. The bulky and stressful clouds that make my back turn into the hunchback of notre dame. This same umbrella becomes my chiropractor, relieving my tense back by defying gravity, by pulling it's weight. At this exact moment I remember that there is no place I rather be than these clouds, the clouds that welcome me home every night.

The sleep relieves me from the snakes that call themselves my friends. The same snakes that love to swarm into my life when i’m needed, but run away when i need them the most. From the torn muscles caused by the endless hours of dance. The muscles that need a little extra blood and rest to recuperate. From my agitated brain who needs a break from all the learning. If i do not find my paradise the snake's lethal poison will kill my insides, destroying me. My arms will become unproductive and strained. My brain will become frizzled, storming with thoughts I can not control. Lonely and lunatic thoughts that i for one do not desire. I would not know what to do without this very needed relaxation.

Sleep helps me visit places that one can only dream of; where I can find courage and hope.This sleep gives me dreams which are undeniably the guide to my happiness. Bringing cheerfulness in my life as I forget my tears and hope for the best. As I dream I suddenly become Eve, lost in my alluring garden. The garden where there are no clouds to push me down, there are no dangers to make me scared, and there are no problems to face. I will not let my temptation get to me knowing I will awaken in a place where I am not immune. A place filled with broken hearts and agitated thoughts. This is my paradise, and I would love to stay. But, as I sadly remind myself every morning, not all dreams are fair. They don’t all come true. They don’t all satisfy our unrealistic expectations. Dreams and sleep are treasure; although not all of them are valued. This paradise that many do not appreciate is what I look forward to every single day.

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