Music and why I love it (re-upload) | Teen Ink

Music and why I love it (re-upload)

March 1, 2019
By Anonymous

Why I love music- Every time I watched a movie, I would always notice how music relates to a certain scene being portrayed. I believe music can tell a story without words, it can draw out emotion only using your sense of sound. It challenges your mind to subconsciously make inferences about the world around you and how you're able to perceive what certain sounds make you feel. A low monotonous chord progression can make you feel sorrowful or grim. With this feeling of sadness, there is also happiness. Just like many people love reading for its use of versatility in interpretation, I love music for its own versatility. Music doesn't need words to transpire emotion. I think it's insane that noise itself can create a spectrum of emotions. Music is versatile in its ability to make the listener feel different things, and in my opinion that is the most beautiful thing I think life has to offer. I love music because it reminds me that I'm human. 

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