why fighting games are better than fps's | Teen Ink

why fighting games are better than fps's

February 4, 2020
By killetknife44 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
killetknife44 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think that fighting games offer a better experience to gameplay than playing an first person shooter because it lets you focus on how your going to outplay your opponent without worrying about anyone else.Another reason why that I think fighting games offer a way better experience than first person shooters because fighting games offer a lot of diversity, and yes i know there are other first person shooters that have different classes and all but at the end of the day you’re still just shooting a gun and trying to get the most kills or trying to take the flag from the opposite team.One of the main things that make fighting games better are the amount of effort they put into them.I’ve played first person shooters and I feel like what they mainly focus on are just making it look nicer thinking that you’re getting a new experience even though it’s the same thing that you’ve been playing for years.            


I feel like whenever I play different fighting games,each time I grab my controller I get offered a new experience.Fighting games also make you feel accomplished for example if you were to start a street fighter and you were in training mode,  found a combo and you wanted to perfect the combo while facing real life people.When your playing fps’s though it’s easy to push one button and win,sure maybe teams may make different strategies to better their gameplay but you’ll probably only going to be using the tactic you made up one time for that pacific opponent.I also think that fighting games are very visually appealing unlike fps' s.One of the reasons why they a lot of fps’s don’t make their games visually appealing because a lot of the fps’s games stories have to do about war and i’d guess they’d feel as if that wouldn’t fit their game.alot Fighting games also require you to know the mechanics and what moves you should hit your opponent with and others you shouldn’t,meanwhile in COD 25 noobs can literally press one button and it does the work for them.    


Honestly I think fighting games also have better story plots that keep you coming back for more than fps' s.One of the reasons why I think that’s the case because in most fighting games (If they do have a story mode) the story will be compelling and easy to understand for the audience and if you just picked up like a sequel or the 5th game in the series,most fighting games have a recap of what has happened that brought the characters to this point and time even if you don’t understand it’s still interesting to listen to and watch.Also this has nothing to do with why fighting games buta lot of them recently have been offering things for beginners like “stylish” mode it’s basically a mode where it lets you do auto combos I talk about this because over the years.There’s been this stigma that’s also when being in the air when it came to fighting games that their hard and that really makes me frustrated for people to hear that because they expect that once they get on the controller,fight stick,keyboard etc,that their automatically going to be good at the game.


There’s a lot of complexity that goes into each and every different fighting game thats been made throughout all the years,learning neutral,learning the character ,trying to know what your opponent will do next

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