The Bar to succu | Teen Ink

The Bar to succu

May 28, 2024
By Anonymous

The shiny metal bar with the metal brush mark on it caught my eye while above me. I gripped the bar on both sides, my hands feeling every groove. I felt my breath, my arm muscles tightening.

I lifted the bar off its holding spot, raising it above my head and then lowering it, repeating the motion over and over.

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine…, ...ten,” I whispered under my breath.

“Come on, a couple more, don’t give up!” my friend shouted at me.

“Eleven, deep breath, deep breath... twelve,” I continued to whisper.


The bar slammed back into its holding spot. I lay back looking up at the bar just like how I started the same bar I looked at before even lifting it up. My breath heavier than before I started even lifting the bar at all. I looked up onces again to see my friend, who had been motivating me. I smiled at him, a smile that could light up a room.

“I feel as strong as an ox and can’t wait to start my next set.”

My friend nodded, water in his mouth.

“Take a break for now and let me know when you’re ready for your next set. But now, it’s my turn,” he said with excitement in his voice.

I nodded with a smile while taking a drink of my water.

My muscles felt strong and tight, and I felt like I could lift a car. I walked over to spot my friend. We exchanged a look, knowing we were going to be here for a long time. The bar looked like it was looking for me, the shiny metal bar with the metal brush mark on both sides and My friend ready to take on the challenge of this heavy lift.

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