What is Wrong with Gaming Anyway? | Teen Ink

What is Wrong with Gaming Anyway?

May 10, 2011
By Anonymous

Video games are not bad for you. I have heard it stated that anything in moderation is fine. Well, I think moderation is a very subjective word. Some video games, like World of Warcraft (WOW), encourage strategic thinking, improve math skills, and inspire creativity. I think, the more I play the smarter I get. If grades are good, attitudes are positive and manners are existent, then what is the problem with logging in Xbox Live at night or joining an instance for hours playing WOW? If drugs are not in the picture, alcohol makes you puke, and homework is always complete then why can’t one stay up all night gaming with their friends? Everyone can have their own priorities, can’t they?
Life should be about having fun when you are a teenager. When you grow up and have to work full time then you can make sure you get your 8 hours sleep. Sleep is highly overrated! Until that time comes for me, I just want to do the best I can and have fun.

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