My Family, My Home | Teen Ink

My Family, My Home

September 15, 2018
By 19sabrego BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
19sabrego BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from an unlucky loving family,

From minds that tend to wonder absently.


I am from the street with the same name as my father,

From the soft, scented clothes washed by my mother.

I am from the joyful laughter of my only niece,

From the playful banter of both my sisters.


I am from the sweet, swaying apple tree in my yard,

From the fireplace that has been crisply charred.

I am from the buzz of bees near my garage,

From our reality that is a long montage.


I am from the one who gave me a chance to live,

From those acting like guardians who showed me how to thrive.

I am from the delicious homemade meals,

From the constant bickering of siblings and their deals.


I am from warm hearts that beat happily,

From the soothing soft smiles of a loving family.

The author's comments:

I enjoy writing mainly short stories but do occasionally writing a poem or two. This one in particular was created for a school assignment and our teacher suggested we submit our poems on TeenInk; so I thought I would give it a shot.

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