Because a dog rolled over | Teen Ink

Because a dog rolled over

October 1, 2018
By Anonymous

Destruction came down because...

Because a dog rolled over, he squished a frog

Because a dog squashed a frog, the frog got scared and jumped and hit a log

Because he hit a log, the log rolled down and hit farmer Jenkins

Because it hit farmer Jenkins, Farmer Jenkins got mad and stomped his foot

Because he stomped his foot, He scared a cow

Because a cow got scared, it ran and stampeded into the barn

Because the barn got ran into, a hole was made

Because a hole was made, the family pets escaped

Because the pets ran away, they went to the road and got ran over by a car

Because they got ran over, the person in the car called for help

Because he called for help, help came fast

Because help came fast, they crashed into a tree

Because they crashed into a tree, the tree broke and fell into a neighboring house

Because a tree hit a house, a woman screamed

Because the woman screamed, a person nearby got scared and dropped a pot of stew

Because he dropped the pot of stew, he slipped and broke his arm

Because he broke his arm, he went to the hospital

Because he went to the hospital, he couldn't feed his dog

Because he couldn't feed his dog, his dog fell asleep in hunger,

Because the dog fell asleep, he rolled over...

And this is how a dog started a sequence of confusion and distress just for being hungry

The author's comments:

Modeled from the story "Because A Little Bug Went Ka-choo"

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