Act 1 | Teen Ink

Act 1

October 1, 2018
By IC03 BRONZE, Williston Park, New York
IC03 BRONZE, Williston Park, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am, I can, I will."

The way you leave is elegant

Almost a waltz, in and out, oh so tiring

The crowd is watching with eager eyes, even when you sleep

You are nothing to them but a white painted face, actors

That try to understand your sorrows by being your love

Your everything, your nothing, great show, the audience was bubbling

With excitement, as you wipe off your makeup, nerves still bubbling

In your chest from all the eyes, the way you wipe almost elegant

Slowly, trying to sleep where the white paint stops, it's so silly my love

To try and deny a life that is made for you, must be tiring

To lie at night, to lie when you say it is fun, to say you are actors

But it’s okay at night when your makeup drips when you sleep

Do not cry so much my darling, do not worry, just sleep

When you close your eyes, it will all still be there, hot, bubbling

And all of you will laugh for a life well lived, raise a glass to actors,

But all you dream of is a bird's wings and a locked cage, beautiful, elegant,

Never free, because it’s not meant to be, this dream is tiring,

How many more nights will you cry to your love?

They tell you the dreams will fade, it’s all ok, you will learn to love

A life so fully empty, honey, it is just an idea sleep

On it, think about it, it’s so tiring

Being so beautiful? Your energy is bubbling

You’ll get cast easily, the way your makeup stays is elegant

They will love you, as I do, I know actors

Like you, so perfect, so still, not like other actors

With tears in their eyes and claiming to love

You, claiming it all, the lies you tell, so elegant

Is the dress you wear to your own wake, your own sleep

And when they crowd around, the crowd is bubbling

About the next big thing, next painted face, tiring

Isn’t it? That you in your bed of lies, tiring

To say it was a good time, it's just the way we live, us actors

Sometimes the crowd hates you, sometimes the crowd is bubbling

Over the pot, trying not to spill over, they love-

Well, loved your performance, this isn’t for you, just sleep

For once, maybe you can see your own clear skin, elegant

Is the stars tonight, bubbling instead of fading, it is not so tiring

When actors take a break, but I’ll always be elegant

Don’t forget my little birdie, because you’ll be the one I finally learn to love.

The author's comments:

In this Sestina, we only see Act 1.

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This article has 1 comment.

CECanRanza said...
on Oct. 17 2018 at 10:57 am
CECanRanza, Valley Stream, New York
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
A very haunting yet exhilarating piece of work...I look forward to more from this author.