Let's go on adventure | Teen Ink

Let's go on adventure

October 11, 2018
By Shadowflash2120 SILVER, Wilminton, California
Shadowflash2120 SILVER, Wilminton, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Let’s go, on an a

A very, very fun

Adventure with you.

Lets see what the

World give us

Or through at us.

I just want

Be with you

To the end.

How long will the

World last before

We will be together.

Let’s go, on an a

A very, very fun

Adventure with you.

How long will the world

Will end for us

The author's comments:

This is mean just imaging about going on a adenvture with someone that you might like to go or image that you all ready on one yourself in your dreams.

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