HER Story | Teen Ink

HER Story

December 10, 2018
By AamyaClement BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
AamyaClement BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

HER tears would collect in the rocky road

After the yelling and fighting that SHE loathed

The days turned into weeks, weeks turned into years

SHE rarely saw HER father

HE never saw HER tears

HE never read HER bedtime stories

Or tucked HER in at night

HE never showed up for graduations but SHE always hoped HE might

College is coming soon enough

4 years go by fast

SHE’S really looking forward to HER future

But SHE’S still haunted by HER past

HE said HE loved HER more than SHE could know

If that were true, why didn’t it show?

HE says HER mom was standing in the way

All SHE wanted was for HIM to rightfully pay

HE acted like HE didn’t care

HER mother was HER father because HE was never there

SHE misses HER father

No cap

No Lie

Not even a single hug or one last goodbye

In the blink of an eye, HE turned and walked away



Wonder if


the reason YOU didn’t stay.

The author's comments:

This is a poem close to my heart through the eyes of a 6-year-old who was solely a "Daddy's Girl". 

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