What Is True Love? | Teen Ink

What Is True Love?

January 14, 2019
By Anto-0552 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Anto-0552 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”

True love is unpredictable,

sudden, like an ocean wave,

yet unexplainable,

like a moment to save.

True love is having purpose,

to be cherished and valued,

and to be deep down nervous,

yet calm and relaxed on the surface.

true love is sacrifice,

always for that other side,

and though it might not feel nice,

that journey we will ride.

True love is loyalty,

to have one, and only one,

and having  power to be free,

but,remaining honest and true to thee.


True love is dedication,

it’s up to our free will,

that for the rest of  our duration,

our time we will fulfill.

   True love is patience,

holding on to one another,

to stop in one station,

without any hesitation.

True love is sacred,

something permanently holy,

never to be traded,

but, to be taken slowly.

So, what is true love?

it’s the reason to be happiest,

like guidance from a light above,

And he gave me that true reason to love.  

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