ode to my music | Teen Ink

ode to my music

February 22, 2019
By skyy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
skyy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You have been there when

Others have failed to speak.

You have comforted me when

I called ever so slightly.

Like a ray of sunshine

In the dark you brought light,

Not only to me but to many

Others in the time of need.

You were a friend of wise

Words, though i have yet to see

You. The feeling of joy when i hear

Your soft words still linger in

my mind, but also the Feeling of

heartbreak With the tones you'd

play late at Night. you’ve found

ways to sooth Me when i was hurting.

I still Wonder when my time will

Come to pay you back for

All the wonders you have

Brought to my ears.

I’ll find a way to thank you

even though we

Are two worlds apart.

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