Hard Work | Teen Ink

Hard Work

March 20, 2019
By Anonymous

As I work in the brightness of day

As the muck and fog fade away

I see what I have done

A masterpiece in the sun

But all the day that I have perked

My dad was still at work

For he supports without a sway

And keeps the taxes up to pay

It is hard to be all alone

But he keeps us in a home

He might have lost his way

But that doesn’t make him stray

For he is bright and proud

Nothing can stop him not even a cloud

He may not work in labor

But he still has to take care of our neighbor

For he is a mess

And a real pest

But this is my dad he doesn’t care

All that matters is that life ahead may be fare

As life goes on all fades away

But just as my Father starts to fade away

I got to think of the day

That I had made this masterpiece

As my dad joins my mom in eternal peace

The author's comments:

I am 13 years old and this poem is about my dad who is a widower raising two children.

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