Punching Toy | Teen Ink

Punching Toy

May 3, 2009
By IRBFGW DIAMOND, Cincinnati, Ohio
IRBFGW DIAMOND, Cincinnati, Ohio
53 articles 1 photo 223 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hey, assbutt!" Supernatural, Castiel.

I’m used to the tears
The pain, the confusion
I’m used to hearing the sobs
Painting a picture, a fake happy illusion

I smile, I play
I laugh and I sing
Inside I’m screaming
But no one knows a thing

No one hears the pain in me
No one look inside
No one understands my guilt
No one holds me when I cry

I’ve often heard, I’m often told
That I’m mature beyond my age
But I’ve lost my childhood too early
I’d rather be the same range

Now day’s it’s natural for me to cry
I feel I deserve every ounce
Misery comes and whenever I’m happy
He comes and does he pounce

I’m a helpless field of guilt
Feel no love and joy
I must come out of this pan soon
I’m still just a punching toy


This article has 7 comments.

on Jul. 7 2010 at 1:10 pm
IRBFGW DIAMOND, Cincinnati, Ohio
53 articles 1 photo 223 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hey, assbutt!" Supernatural, Castiel.

Thanks! I really appreciate that!

on Jul. 7 2010 at 1:09 pm
IRBFGW DIAMOND, Cincinnati, Ohio
53 articles 1 photo 223 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hey, assbutt!" Supernatural, Castiel.

Yeah.... I tend to do a lot of depressing stuff. I'm working on that.

on Apr. 5 2010 at 9:55 pm
ZebraWithoutStripes ELITE, Blue Springs, Missouri
102 articles 8 photos 84 comments

Favorite Quote:
To make a difference in the world, you have to be different from the world.

apart from the fact that this is super depressing...i loved it! [:

on Mar. 21 2010 at 4:24 pm
IRBFGW DIAMOND, Cincinnati, Ohio
53 articles 1 photo 223 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hey, assbutt!" Supernatural, Castiel.

I'm not responsible for anything that gets dropped or ruined! :)

Sunshineyday said...
on Jun. 23 2009 at 12:06 am
wow! really nice! you almost made me drop my water bottle I was drinking!

on May. 20 2009 at 9:27 pm
RainWashed PLATINUM, Park City, Utah
46 articles 1 photo 86 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Repeat the good and the bad. Do it all again. And pile on the years."

Ok...that was like...scary good!!!! You have a great talent for writing and your poetry really speaks out to people. I like you should persue a career with writing, creativly though. That was really good though!!!


breezer11 GOLD said...
on May. 11 2009 at 8:22 pm
breezer11 GOLD, Cinci, Ohio
13 articles 0 photos 23 comments
i love you courtney:) please keept writing!!