Summer | Teen Ink


May 17, 2019
By NoahJ456 SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
NoahJ456 SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

School days are soon fading,

While we’re stuck contemplating,

All the things we could do even though it’s never changing,

Receiving all time in the world to watch the sun rise and die,

And despise the thought of going back to the place that makes us feel minimized.

Trying to take in the weather so grand,


Find a hand to help us through the days that seem so bland.

Life is catching up with these days,

I keep finding this haze,

This fog this glaze of things to think of.

But life's too short to waste the days,

On the stupid thoughts that won’t go away.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this based off my ending years of highschool.

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