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May 17, 2019
By kirstenha23 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
kirstenha23 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Behind the beautiful smile you gave, you told a story twisted with lies
Lying came naturally to you like pretending to love me
Love is a funny thing, it blinds you from the truth
Grasping onto anything you can find instead of letting go

Lying came naturally to you like pretending to love me
Saying you will never leave
Grasping onto anything you can find instead of letting go
Wanting it to work, I tried everything I knew how to do

Saying you will never leave
Never knowing that you wanted out of the relationship
Wanting it to work, I tried everything I knew how to do
You broke your promises in the thick silence

Never knowing that you wanted out of the relationship
I continued on with the pain and the lies you gave
You broke your promises in the thick silence
Behind the beautiful smile you gave, you told a story twisted with lies

The author's comments:

This poem really hit close to me since it was something close to my heart. I think that it can relate to a lot of different people with a lot of different relationships. 

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