What I Learned From Something Bad | Teen Ink

What I Learned From Something Bad

May 21, 2019
By Anonymous

I learned that the world is much different than I once thought,

I learned that some people are pure evil,

I learned that great friends do not come often,

I learned that life goes in many different directions.

I learned who I love,

I learned who I trust,

I learned who is fake,

I learned who is important.

I learned how to move forward,

I learned how to express myself,

I learned how to speak up,

I learned how to find the positives.

I learned that the world is a fabulous place,

I learned that taking risks is important,

I learned that standing up for what I believe makes a difference,

I learned that nothing will ever bring me down.

I have grown into a mature person who will make a difference in the world.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by something difficult I went through in my life. 

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