Never Would Have Thought | Teen Ink

Never Would Have Thought

June 10, 2019
By Anonymous

Cutting against the fog

Racing through the prattle

No it’s not agog

But boy, those chains can rattle

Never would have thought, huh?

Never would have thought

Pushing past the danger

Searing through the walls

No it's not a stranger

Dismissing all confining laws

Never would have thought, huh?

Ya never would have thought

Ropes are tied tight

Everything’s on track

Never would have thought, right?

You might want to take that back

When silence becomes a bad thing

And death is on the rails

The weariness is sure to sting

For the ship has eased it’s sails

Where once things were complete

Is now blank with guilt

Memories are bittersweet

Deconstructing which once was built

Fog surrounds the crash

Emptiness prevails

Sudden, like whiplash

The train of thought has flied off it’s rails

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece based off of my experience with ADHD: I remember when I used to work SO hard at everything. I would pull all-nighters just to finish an essay, or study for a quiz. That work ethic lasted for about 2-3 years, when suddenly, it dropped. I stopped caring about homework, due dates, responsibilities, everything. My drive was gone, and I was left to wonder why. The guilt I felt was extremely heavy, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do anything. With that in mind, I wrote this poem to express the feelings I had felt during this situation.

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