Wonder | Teen Ink


January 16, 2020
By GrindingGears555 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
GrindingGears555 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Listening to loud music by Lynyrd Skynyrd on the lake, 

Three boys notice a disturbance

In their calm kayak adventure,

As a speed boat zooms by,

its waves, rocking the kayaks.


The current pulls the kayaks backwards as the boys dig through the waves with their paddles,

The sun reflects its light on the waves and chrome handrails from other boats into their eyes.

They make their way to the other side of the lake, 

Silently gliding across the water.

The boys get an overwhelming sense of belonging.  

The boys decide to cool off and go for a swim in the cove,

Surrounded by pine trees as if they were in their own world. 

As the day nears the end, they race home.

They notice the boats heading back to shore, just as they are.

Soon, the sun starts to set over the lake and the temperature drops.

Moods start to calm, and the three boys begin to venture. 

Laughter and excitement begins to settle after the eventful adventure.

They begin to realize all they did that day was kayaking on the lake.

As the day ends, they look back on their eventful day in joyful thoughts.

The boys take their kayaks back to shore

And they agree this day was not a bore.

This was surely a memorable summer day with the boys.

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