Country State Of Mind | Teen Ink

Country State Of Mind

May 20, 2009
By Squeaker GOLD, Apopka, Florida
Squeaker GOLD, Apopka, Florida
17 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I wake to see a cloud at my feet.
A dream no one can beat.
Open spaces for as far as I can see.
All open just for me.

There are flowers here.
There are flowers there.
Now there are flowers ever where.

There in the middel of it all.
A horse not so little at all.
One so black as night.
He just makes you fall in love at first sight.

The sun begins to set.
And it rains and gets us wet.
The dream begins to fade.

I wake to see the cloud at my feet.
A dream I thought no one could beat.
My room is all I can see.
My room with just me.


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