Dreaming of Hawaii | Teen Ink

Dreaming of Hawaii

March 15, 2021
By kaylaess20 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
kaylaess20 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The chilling winter air, numbs my hands and makes my eyes well up with warm tears. Why do we live here, I think to myself often.

Oh how I wish we lived somewhere like Hawaii. Soft summer breezes, tan skin, the sweet smell of sunscreen, warm sand forever stuck in your hair. All things that I can only dream of.

Instead my day consists of waking up early to scrape my car, my face turning bright red with the wind whipping at it. Shovelling the driveway so that my car doesn’t get stuck in the fresh fallen, sparkly snow. A life that seems so much more bitter than a blissful Hawian life.

The author's comments:

I actually wrote this Vignette right after I finished shovelling the driveway after my mom's car got stuck in the snow. I was very bitter about the winter weather, and was thinking "what would I be doing in Hawaii right now?"

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