He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not | Teen Ink

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

March 16, 2021
By Anonymous

You walked into the garden,

Picked me up,

And wrapped me around your finger. 

My beautiful colors illuminated your undeserving hand. 

You put me in your pocket quickly.

My scent emanated from your shallow denim. 

I enjoyed every second of it. 

Suddenly I was on the ground.

My pale white petals became wilted and brown.

Footprints covered every inch of me,

With every waking moment my beauty washed away. 

How could this have happened? 

I was so secure in your hand.

Your fingertips were firmly grasped around me. 

My stem was so gentle that it was incapable of damage. 

My beauty was unparalleled, 

Yet, you had not been persuaded. 

You sought something different,

Something temporary. 

You saw a roseate flower out of the corner of your eye. 

Her petals elongated towards you,

Almost begging for attention. 

As you extended your despicable hand, 

Her thorns pricked you. 

You picked her up as blood trickled down her base. 

Her scent dissipated within minutes. 

Her petals wilted with the fluctuating temperatures. 

I was more permanent. 

A white daisy that appeared every spring.

My color mimicked snow on Christmas Day,  

My stem cried of beauty as it suddenly snapped. 

Stuck on the cold ground I laid,


All for a flower with ephemeral beauty. 

As the weather grew warmer,

And the ground began to thaw,

I tried to sprout right back up, 

But your damage was irreparable. 

As my entirety sank into the dirt, 

I thought about you and the rose. 

The attention you both sought. 

Soon you will realize what you lost. 

A daisy whose beauty was taken for granted,

Who will never get the chance to be loved again.

The author's comments:

I wrote a conceit about what it feels like to be cheated on with another girl. It can make you feel worthless, and you think horrible things about yourself. In the end, you realize that you're a better person than any of them will ever be. You realize your worth, and what they lost, but sometimes it's too late. 

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