You Are Enough; A Palindrome Poem | Teen Ink

You Are Enough; A Palindrome Poem

April 14, 2021
By AnonymousWolf BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
AnonymousWolf BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You will never be enough.

And do not believe the people that say

You are wonderful and amazing.

It is not true.

You obviously have no reason to be here.

You have no purpose.

You will never be enough for anyone. 

You will never be loved.

If people say that

You are amazing and wonderful,

They are wrong.


Now read it from bottom to top.

The author's comments:

Inspired by the many comments that people receive in their life, and all the things people have to go through, this piece is an original inspiring others to never believe any negative things other people might say to you. Do not believe what other people say, you are amazing and you will always be enough, some people just refuse to see it.

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