The Crow Who Hasn't Any Wings | Teen Ink

The Crow Who Hasn't Any Wings

September 11, 2021
By ComboOnTeenInk GOLD, Forest Hills, Pennsylvania
ComboOnTeenInk GOLD, Forest Hills, Pennsylvania
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"This is my son, he said. I wash a dead mans brains from his hair. This is my job." -The Road, Cormac McCarthy

The sun arose on the tulip fields

the trees tinted golden-brown

The windmills churned with tenacity

as farm workers slouched and frowned

A rose erupted of red,

as the Bluejays ecstatically sung,

The pond glistened and sparkled of blue,

as the carefree children were stung

By the wasps from the balcony’s nest,

Who seldom ever won.

Primarily because they would die whenever they sting someone.

But up in a willow,

Weeping without as much as a cry,

sat the Crow without wings,

who never got the chance to fly

“Oh!” It screeched

out to the sky

“Why? Why me?

Please, let me die!”

So the Crow gazed down

to the dirt below

contemplating the choice:

To live or Die? he did not know

So he whistled to the Dove

his neighbor from next door

and hollered the question

“Shall I remain in the tree, or plummet to the floor?”

“Plummet to the floor?” Replied the Dove

“Have you gone mad?

Sure, you can’t fly,

but that’s no reason to be sad!

You’ve so much life in you,

no matter how grounded,

so stop moping!”

The Crow was astounded.

For once in his life,

he wasn’t pounded

with negative comments

with which he was usually surrounded!

However, the question was rhetorical

the Crow had made his mind

so he left the Dove with a simple “Thank you”

and jumped to leave this world behind.

The Dove was dismayed

and plummeted into sadness

and when the forest heard

they declared his emotions “Madness!”

So in order to show

the forest what he felt

He too jumped off his own branch

the final blow needed to be dealt.

And when the forest heard

of his unfortunate passing

they gazed at his grave

and burst out laughing.

The author's comments:

My first narrative poem with a rhyme scheme. It's fairly morbid, but I hope you enjoy!

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