The gray cubs | Teen Ink

The gray cubs

December 9, 2021
By Pax BRONZE, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
Pax BRONZE, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Black fur swarms the bodies

Prayer hands to put them at rest

Bear cubs, or dogs are they

I don't know, neither do those who say.


      Their legs, greeted with clouds.

Red black, and gray, I can hear the sounds.

Their mouths fog, with smoke.

Not the type that lets them choke.


  Thin bodies, but the fur.

In the legs, the back, and the torso it spawns.

A thick black cape warms it all.

From the ribs down, it's thinner.

The gray, black and red swarms my eyes-

I suppose I'm seeing the light.


  I can see it-feel it I can.

The fur feels like polyester.

I wonder what is kept inside those praying hands-

A trinket for warm weather.

Each mirrored with a brother

Look like Siamese twins.

But they are two different bundles of joy, forever

Shall they hear the fear of children?


 Never to grow up,

Shall they remain Lolitas forever?

The size from my fingertips to the bend of my arm

Lay these beauties of whatever.

The author's comments:

This piece is just for the sake of it. You never know what might come out of it!

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