Flip of a switch | Teen Ink

Flip of a switch

February 17, 2022
By Anonymous

My mom always had dreams of becoming a nurse. That part of her dream was fulfilled. She became a cardiac surgery ICU nurse. In one of the busiest and chaotic units. 30 beds in an intensive care unit. Nurses running up and down hallways. The beeping alarms from many machines are like an alarm clock. The alarms were loud and constant, keeping you awake and alert. However, it didn't last as long as she wanted. In a heartbeat, your life can be turned completely upside down. 

She developed two chronic illnesses that took her dream away. Doctors were unsure of what was wrong with her, leaving her unfulfilled and sick. No longer being able to work. The job was too hard on her body. Spending days at home, struggling to function. Barely being able to stand up without fainting. Fevers, dizziness, nausea, and other symptoms occurred daily. Hoping that whatever medicine and foods she had, would not have her rushing to the Emergency Room. Going from the one helping patients to become one.

My mom is a fighter. Though she was sick, she was still very present to her loved ones. Even when it's hard, she continues to take care of her family.  We know that being a mom brings her so much happiness and joy. But you can see that she longs for the adrenaline and for helping her patients. She loved caring for people, being there for people who were at their weakest and sickest. My mother saved a lot of lives. One day she hopes her dream to be a nurse today will come true. Until that day comes, she is content with the life she has.

The author's comments:

This is a vignette about my mother. When I was very young, she developed two diseases that would alter her life forever. She is continuing to become better, but unfortunately, there is no exact cure at the moment 

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