It's a Sestina | Teen Ink

It's a Sestina

June 3, 2009
By ProdigalDaughter SILVER, Winona, Minnesota
ProdigalDaughter SILVER, Winona, Minnesota
8 articles 1 photo 10 comments

Oh what a relief! They are done. What are done you ask? Finals.

This is why the kids are running down the hall yelling, finally!
Now I am thinking of my immediate future
And when I say immediate, I mean an hour from now, where I will be glowing with joy.
I will sit on the couch and sigh a sigh of relief.
The stress of finals is finally done.

I am now home, with driving I am done.
My parents ask me about the inevitable subject: finals.
I say what’s done is done, and again sigh with relief.
Now my life will be filled with joy.
But my parents think what about our kid’s future?

Our kid goes to Cotter, the parents think, for a better future.
Then again, they say. What’s done is done.
My mother now gives her student hugs full of joy.
You’ve made it! She exclaims. You’ve finished with finals
After what seems like hours of “joy,” my mother stops talking. Finally...
Her student now runs off, full of relief.

The basement calls, I think with relief.
Doritos, Pepsi, and staring at a screen for hours are now in the immediate future.
After these past few weeks, this moment is here finally.
School is done.
Happiness floods my mind, forgetting all about finals.
Nothing but pure joy.

Hours later, there is still lots of joy.
Bridget Jones found a new boyfriend, so that’s a relief.
I watched many movies, none about finals.
I did, however, watch Back to the Future.
And a Linkin Park video called “What I’ve Done.”
I now take a break and my eyes are ripped away from the screen...finally.

Two weeks later, grades have arrived, and I am not exactly exclaiming finally!
Neither parents nor I are full of joy.
Let’s just say for me, my vacation is done.
High school is almost over, which brings some relief
But yet, there goes my future
And all because of finals.

Thinking about working at Burger King for life takes away my remaining relief.
Oh well. That’s not such a horrible future.
At least there I won’t have to take finals.

The author's comments:
It's a sestina which means it uses the same six last words, but in a different order for each stanza.


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