Me VS Myself | Teen Ink

Me VS Myself

May 21, 2022
By Linne BRONZE, Bella Vista, Arkansas
Linne BRONZE, Bella Vista, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What's wrong with me?

Nothing wrong with me.

I don't belong.

Of course I belong.

Nobody loves me

That doesn’t matter

I love me

I'm I getting fatter?

What does that have to do with anything?

People won’t like you if you’re fat









                                            Ha got you! I'm right. 

When are you ever right, you’re always wrong

All the time, I’m like, always right 

Remember the 10-question quiz you took? You got 6 questions wrong

Why do we always fight?

Because I'm right and you're wrong. 

Aren’t we the same person? So we are both wrong and right. 

I guess, still worthless though.

No I'm not, we are done fighting.

The author's comments:

I struggle with depression, I have to constantly remind myself that I'm not the piece of junk I think I am. I wanted to share this so other kids like me don't feel so alone. 

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