A Summer at the Pool | Teen Ink

A Summer at the Pool

May 23, 2022
By ana16c GOLD, Hartford, Wisconsin
ana16c GOLD, Hartford, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Small, pointy pebbles poke bare feet 

as they slap rapidly against the sizzling summer pavement. 

Children cheer as they cannonball into the icy water below,

emerging from the depths with a grin as wide as the sky.

“Daddy! Did you see me jump?”

Teens pile into innertubes, racing down slides, 

splashing with shouts, screams and excitement.

Sopping wet dollar bills are extracted from forgotten pockets,

smacked onto the concession stand counter 

in exchange for greasy hot dogs and sweet ice cream.

Water rushes onto the deck

licking the toes of passersby.

Wet feet leave trails of prints behind,

creating a path for bare feet

to slap against the sizzling summer pavement.


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