Ode to Writing | Teen Ink

Ode to Writing

February 19, 2023
By featherheart25 GOLD, Upperdeerfield, New Jersey
featherheart25 GOLD, Upperdeerfield, New Jersey
17 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"aut viam inveniam aut faciam" (I will either find a way, or I will make one)

To write my thoughts upon a script 
And let the ink let go of my shifts, the things causing so many thoughts  
To hold a pen in hand is like grasping hot chocolate in winter 
The delight before it calms the state of mind 
For just as the hot chocolate, warm, almost burning the tongue rids one of the cold 
The pen writing upon the paper rids the writer of being overwhelmed by the heavy rocks weighing their heart 
Writing helps think ideas, organize them so that it can create more 
For humans thrive on salvation of ideas and writing brings them 
Writing creates them, spreads them 
The wooden pencil, graphite, touching and moving across the smooth, white paper to create something upon nothing 
For writing, such a pretty thing, not only relieves the writer but the reader 
For the thoughts that writers feel when writing is the same as the reader to their emotions on life or stories 
Which is why all pieces of writing, all paper, pens should be used, politely, but used because just as the boys in Wattpad novels hate the girl at first, they then fall in love with it 
And writing does just the same, it is something to fall in love with 
A golden subject that descends the skies to give everyone a taste of sweet chocolate, just sweet enough to calm the mind 

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