Candy Store Acrostic | Teen Ink

Candy Store Acrostic

June 30, 2023
By corns00p BRONZE, Encino, California
corns00p BRONZE, Encino, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Candy-shaped bell rings above the door

As I walk into a quaint little store

Nougat and lollipops galore

Don’t know if a child could ask for more!

Yellows and pinks and colorful stripes,

Sour gummies and pastel Turkish delights

Teasing me from inside the big glass jars

Orange hard candy and chocolate bars

Reading labels that promise me more than gold,

Edible dreams that would fuel my soul.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the exciting feeling of stepping into a candy store, with deliciousness just waiting to be found. Candy stores are such magical places.

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