Jack In The Box | Teen Ink

Jack In The Box

October 1, 2023
By Poetic_Poetry BRONZE, Carroll, Iowa
Poetic_Poetry BRONZE, Carroll, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Four sides

Just walls

Secluded space

I feel small-

     In an everlasting moment of silence 

That ive confused with peace

And a stimulating objectification of things

Make me feel less pleased

 And when the hour strikes just right

 I let my sad melody play 

 And jump right out of my small box

 To put my friends feelings at bay.

    They pour out their thoughts

    And project their voice

    They mumble worrysome words

    And say its okay

    Then once again like always,

    Put me in my box away.

Pitter patter

It must be the rain

But yet again-

Just their tears wanting me to stay

    And lonseome calls 

And silent sniffles

Harsh communication 

And problems that triple.

       Wind up then

                  And wind up now

        With my sad melody

                    Once again bound

                Like a shirt with buttons 

           I hold things together 

              Even if this role of mine

           Doesnt bring me even the slightest 

        Bit of pleasure. 

The author's comments:

This peice is for the therapist friends who feel that they themselves might not even understand whether they love or just like being a friend that's only used for their listening skills.

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