The Nature that Surrounds us as We Explore it. | Teen Ink

The Nature that Surrounds us as We Explore it.

October 19, 2023
By TheRockerWriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
TheRockerWriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We’ve all had a run-in with nature at one point in our lives. You might’ve been on a bike ride in the woods when you saw a tiny chipmunk on the side of the path, scurrying away from the large, unfamiliar creatures on their fast-moving contraptions and into the safety of the familiar, green underbrush. Or you might have seen a sandhill crane waltzing around in your backyard like it owns the place, with its red feathers on its head standing out. Have you ever had an experience like that? If not, then you might’ve seen a fluffy red fox the size of a medium dog you wanted to pet and feel its soft, thick fur between your fingers. If you’ve never experienced anything like that, you can think of the beauty, bliss, and comfort that nature can bring, as it has to humanity since the dawn of time. 

As I sit outside on the patio, I hear the restless rustling of an unknown animal in the bushes. What could this animal be? A squirrel, a chipmunk, a bird? I sit there waiting, wondering what it could be. After a little while, I see a little mammal’s furry face, a gray squirrel silently squandering for food as he runs around hastily.

Would you climb a tree, just to see what wonders you could find up there? I love to climb trees to see a bird's nest at a safe distance from another tree. My favorite bird is the robin, its eggs are a beautiful blue that reminds me of the vastness of the silent sky. The blue robin eggs remind me of the sound of a soothing lullaby a mother would sing to her small child.

The author's comments:

In writing about our different experiences with nature, we tried to go back in time to those moments and channeled our senses. We discussed what being in nature sounds, looks, and feels like. We drew on personal experiences, made connections, and used our emotions to tell many stories in a creative way by phrasing them as questions weaved throughout the piece. In sharing our experiences, we appreciated nature and the sense of wonder it can instill in us. Through our shared experience, we realized that nature has the same effect on all of us: it endlessly mesmerizes us.  By: Dominic Williams and Jesse Rocker

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