If only I could fly | Teen Ink

If only I could fly

January 23, 2024
By ElizabethBennet BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
ElizabethBennet BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 article 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Though my soul may set in darkness,
It will rise in perfect light;
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
- Sarah Williams

The birds fly in a 'V' formation,

On the move to their next location.

Once again they are heading South

They have found a way out.

Some secret that I am at a loss to sea

So once again they are leaving me.

I long to grow my own wings,

Like I have so often done before in my dreams.

I would soar far and wide, 

As we danced across the evening sky,

But alas, for winter is near,

And the cold cuts through my bones like a sharpened spear.

So, once again I am left behind, as the birds fly farther away,

Leaving the echo of a joyful tune that slowly decays.

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