Love Not To Hate | Teen Ink

Love Not To Hate

April 26, 2024
By Anonymous

There’s more to a book then just the cover 

There’s more to a person then just the color 

It's easier to judge then be judged 

It's easier to condem than to be loved 

If you look a little harder and  


Look a little strong you might find something different then imagined 

If you look a little longer you’ll find no shame under their color no matter what happened

If you try a little harder you’ll find meaning under their faces

If you look a little harder you’ll find a story in these pages 

And if you dig a little deeper you’ll find red blood veins 


There’s a unity God made inside of us, to stand together 

One people, one image all of us teather

Cause we are all made in one image; God’s image 

But it's buried under fear and hate, but we were made 

 ( To Love Not To Hate );


It’s easier to judge the outside, then taking a minute to look on the inward 

You may have never noticed but discrimination had caused many injured 

(There’s more to story then just its title )

There’s more to a person their race 

It seems like defense is everyone's favorite game


One says the system is corrupt

The other says its just 

One pulls the gun 

Will the other run

Fear and hate fill the air all because were blind to love, sometimes this seems it can’t be undone


One bombs from miles away

 ( While words are more prey ) 

Both fill this world with ashes and graves 

 Love only seems to come in waves 

But one thing still remains


 We were made to love not to hate 

How the world would be different if we stopped pointing the finger, what could we create?





What’s the difference love harmed no one 








Unity only ever built up our brothers and sister

Cause when your at the end of the line it's not your color 

So stop letting the world be burned 

It's the soul, it's the heart it’s if you learned 

To Love Not To Hate 

The author's comments:

I had heard a song, and it inspired me to write this poem. In this generation we are all so divided and most times when we speak, it’s to hurt one another. There is still great amount of rascism. God made us in His image to love one another. I hope this poem inspires others to love one another rather than hurt. 

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