Life Is Like Chess | Teen Ink

Life Is Like Chess

April 30, 2024
By 4phippen SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4phippen SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lots of people rush into things, I don’t. I know if I go fast I will easily lose sight of my end goal,

in life patience is a virtue that must be followed to achieve greatness,

for chess if you rush, you lose your piece, calmly I raise my hand…

expecting to win yet not taking the time to see the pieces on the board–chess, similar to actual life, takes time to fully see what is going on before getting ahead of yourself.

I look at my sister and am distraught she looks bored? As if she thinks she's winning and I’m a joke?

such a confident face, she will surely win the viewers' thought; I am used to this though always being overlooked.

Look, appreciate, see how my mother in the white doesn’t need fancy clothing and still is our queen.

in this world we are stereotyped, but I just want to be seen as someone who can be taken seriously,

kids are overlooked just as the rushing waterfalls displaying a background voice guiding the me to success;

elegant red, showing our place in the world, establishing worth, does it really mean anything?

Choices, actions, voices all are the key to your success or your downfall.

heavenly things come in time, nothing is made overnight they say,

even if you're given something, it's about what you can make out of them.

shameful, overlooking my place in this world because I am younger, not taking me for who I am.

she didn’t realize though I was always three steps ahead, slowly I put my hand down claiming checkmate. LIFE IS LIKE CHESS.

The author's comments:

This piece is based off of a painting we looked at in class. I formatted my stanzas by using these letters Life Is Like Chess too start off each stanza. The piece I am writing about is named “The Chess Game” By: Sofonisba Anuissola (Italy) 1555

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