the winning strategy | Teen Ink

the winning strategy

May 1, 2024
By 4bodway PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
4bodway PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Players stand ready 

to take action.

Deeply starting each other down.

Four hands ready to make their move.

I cannot lose this game,

 because If I do

my family and friends

will never

look at me the same.

Paths of victory 

to be seen.

Embarking on that journey.

Six eyes on the board watching closely.

But which piece should I take 

which piece would

bring me one step closer To victory,

and them one step

closer to failure.

Brisk moves are made 

to determine the victor.

How shall I win this time I ask myself.

two fingers pick up the next piece.

Now my only way to win

is for me to sacrifice something.

But which should it be

it could be a knight or bishop

or maybe even a rook.

Breaking down their defenses 

to gain an advantage.

Causing them to lose hope,

Five more moves to win.

I have finally won

I can rest easy from now on.

I raise my hand in victory

Standing firm and proud

Always confident in my winning strategy.

Cheap tricks and moves,

Have made you lose this battle.

Each of my moves worked perfectly in my favor,

Calmly I step off the podium and extend a

Kind handshake to my enemy.

The author's comments:

Inspired by The Chess Game, by Sofonisba Anguissola (Italy) 1555

 Author’s note: some of the lines are capitalized to represent a move in chess (pawn to c4, bishop to e3 and also at the end with check)

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