I am From... | Teen Ink

I am From...

May 2, 2024
By Anonymous

 “I am from…”

I am from dirt roads and pastures.
From shooting 22’s out the truck window,
Classic country tunes blasting everywhere you go, 
And spending time in the great outdoors.

I am from hunting and fishing.
Tying on lures, cutting out tags, and spotting elk from far away.
I am from the dry scorching heat of the summer, 
And the heavy winter blizzards of the Wyoming backcountry.

I am from rewarding meals for hard work.
From perfect and spicy chicken sandwiches,
To amazing homemade dinners,
As well as filling, tasty, and loaded protein shakes.

I am from benches and squat racks.
From heavy iron dumbbell weights,
To big and bulky bumper plates.
The gym has always been therapy.

I am from warm blue wrestling mats,
Where your T-shirts are drenched and ringworm is everywhere.
From the constant grind to become better, 
And where men become men.

I am from turf as hot as burning coals,
From grasping the leather ball with the grip of my gloves.
Constant hard hits and tackles,
And where teams become family.   

I am from saddles and lunge ropes,
From cowboy boots and hats, 
To sweaty and dirty jeans,
And the smell of horse manure in the air.

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