Bocce | Teen Ink


May 17, 2024
By Anonymous


2:03 pm

Gordon, WI

The weather is warm, 86° and sunny. The sounds of waves crashing against the rocky shoreline is calming, it makes me tired after the long morning of swimming. My swimsuit sticks to my body, it's sopping wet, and uncomfortable. Distant humming of boat engines on the water fade in and out as I approach the storage closet, the smell of coal from the sauna infests my nose. 

The bocce balls sit in an organized fashion on the middle shelf, the bag is easy to grab, yet heavy. 

I sling the bag over my shoulder and exit the closet, making sure to shut the door behind me. “Dad!” I call out, “Wanna play bocce ball with me?” I ask, shivering from the slight breeze. 

Of course he says yes, he never says no to a game of bocce ball. 

I watch as he makes his way over, his flip flops clicking as he walks as they smack against his heels. ‘Click! Click! Click!’ is the noise the baked clay balls make as I empty them onto the pine infested grass. They scatter and spread along the lively grass, rolling around then coming to a stop. 

“What color do you want?” he asks, glancing down at the beat up surface of the bocce balls. Small knicks on the surface, ruining the crimson red and forest green shades. 

“Green.” I always pick green, it's lucky. I bend down and pick up the ​​boccino, throwing it across the lawn as it rolls and bounces. I throw the green bocce towards the boccino, watching as it rolls slowly as its path curves. I cross my fingers in hopes that my throw would land near the boccino, it's the goal of the game after all. 

The surface is rough, it makes the game more interesting. Navigating the unexpected bumps and curves as the balls roll in unpredictable ways. 

My Mom watches from the deck, resting in the sunlight as the dog lays by her feet, panting and exhausted. 

The wind whistles against my cheek as I look over at my family, smiling and laughing as we cherish these moments we have together. 

Bocce isn't just a game for our family, it brings us together. 

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