Climate Sonnet | Teen Ink

Climate Sonnet

May 24, 2024
By clairellu BRONZE, Portola Valley, California
clairellu BRONZE, Portola Valley, California
1 article 11 photos 0 comments

The Planet we Call Home

Heat waves invade the planet we call home. 

Our lawmakers turn a blind eye towards them.

We protest for an end to the gruesome

billowing dark exhaust, but the problem

persists. The climate crisis escalates.

Student activists speak, strike, and protest,

yet nations’ leaders fail to imitate 

our courage. Instead, they show disinterest.

You ask: Can we battle global warming?

Yes, it’s not too late, as long as we’re quick

to scream out protests. This is a warning.

Hurry up, go chain up the oil rig.

You have been urged; it’s time to take action.

You have the power to save your nation!

The author's comments:

I am passionate about the issue of global warming, and I sought to convey the urgency of the problem through my English Sonnet. I hope to inspire readers to take action and battle this worsening crisis.

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