A kid desire | Teen Ink

A kid desire

June 5, 2024
By TrenT49 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
TrenT49 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'll be completely honest, I'm practically a nobody in this school, in a school full of students with bright futures and dreams, I’m not put into that category, I don’t like high school either. But one the way I do want to be remembered is the biggest dog in the football field, hardest hitter, biggest menace. When I’m on that field, it’s not Trent anymore, It’s the alter ego. Standing on business in the face of adversity. As the crowd cheers me on for decking the opponents.
But it is not even about getting props or attention from other people. What I love about the game of football is that you can find out who you really are as a person. That’s because the game of football provides plenty of challenges to overcome, some of which I have faced are going against better players, bad practices, and making a mistake in coverage and run alignment. It is not about making mistakes rather overcoming them. Play hard not because you abhor your opponents but because you love your teammates. To not be placated by success and always striving for more. Communicating makes the paradigm defense along with good tackling and running to the ball. All of these individual things make football great.
Play angry as a bull, fast as a cheetah, but with the smarts of a supercomputer. Controlled chaos is what my coach likes to call it. What I also love is the atmosphere. Dark outside with the moon glimmering, with the shine of a diamond. Friday night lights lighting up the night sky and the players on the fields, clanking their pads into one another.
Once again, I know I’m not going to ivy league or elite d1, because I’m not the smartest, strongest, or fastest but I know what I can do and that’s start on our varsity football team and make an impact. Once It’s over, my life will go on and I invest my time into other areas of my life. But right now, there’s roughly 40-50 days left, and I couldn't be more excited for the opportunity to compete

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