Navigating Uncertainty | Teen Ink

Navigating Uncertainty

June 8, 2024
By fangela PLATINUM, Fort Lee, New Jersey
fangela PLATINUM, Fort Lee, New Jersey
20 articles 1 photo 0 comments

In this ever-changing world we tread

Where clouds of uncertainty lie ahead,

Where children are taught the skills of the past,

Which in their future might fade fast.

Cramming information, a tactic of the old,

Not anything that technology could not unfold.

Skills once prized, now seem small,

With AI and computers to answer the call!

Yet, some fail to see the change we need

In order for this new generation to truly succeed.

We must accept that shift should be made,

And not to be terribly afraid.

The heat is on, the pressure is high;

There are strategies teachers should strive to apply:

Critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration

Are the skills to bring this generation to their salvation. 

Hacking humans is a modern trend,

Which could lead to humanity's end.

Trust and technology should not be mixed

Since our identities cannot be fixed. 

In this ever-changing world we tread,  

Amidst uncertainty, where anxiety can spread.  

To navigate, we must find our stride,  

To adapt and evolve in this digital's tide.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the current upstream of Artificial Intelligence and its potential dangers for humankind. 

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