Jaded Hands | Teen Ink

Jaded Hands MAG

By Anonymous

Hetouched the letters
reaching out as if the J's
would turn intoarms,
embrace him,
and shake the dust
off his shoulders

Hey,buddy, how's it going ... long time no see

He pauses
then caressesanother name
Nice to see you again, Matt ...
remember those days when weused
to dream about dancing with girls?

Then they were just
but now,
he reaches
and holds the cold stone
cradling in his
calloused hands,
the curves
of letters
as limp as curled fingersaround triggers

Matt, man ...
why are you wearing so many medals...
the war's not over ... man

Just for a few seconds
he holds theirbodies
in jaded hands,
where they come alive

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