Broken Tides | Teen Ink

Broken Tides

July 12, 2024
By crazesam1 GOLD, Dhaka, Other
crazesam1 GOLD, Dhaka, Other
14 articles 17 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
They broke the wrong parts of me-anonymous

In the depths of my turbulent mind,
Where chaos reigns and shadows bind,
I am not just different, I am a storm,
A tempest of emotions, raw and worn.

Each day unfolds like a fragile thread,
In a tapestry of pain where I tread.
I weep in silence, where no one sees,
Crushed by the weight of my unseen pleas.

My body aches, a vessel frail,
Bearing scars of a relentless gale.
I paint on smiles, a fragile guise,
While inside, my spirit quietly cries.

My family's gaze holds unspoken dread,
They glimpse the surface, not what's unsaid.
They cannot fathom the turmoil I bear,
Alone with my demons, lost in despair.

Once, there was love, a fleeting flame,
He held my heart, whispered my name.
He understood the depths of my strife,
But my disorder twisted love to a knife.

I loved him fiercely, with all my soul,
He was my refuge, my anchor, my goal.
Yet the storm within, it tore us apart,
Leaving shattered dreams, a broken heart.

Now I drift, adrift in the unknown,
Longing for solace, a place to call home.
Seeking peace in a world so unkind,
Where hope flickers faint, hard to find.

I yearn for normalcy, a respite serene,
To mend the fragments of what has been.
But if this disorder won't release its hold,
It may devour me, relentless and bold.

So here I stand, in the grip of my fate,
Battered and bruised, yet refusing to break.
For I am a girl with a story untold,
In search of healing, to reclaim what I hold.

The author's comments:

you have to understand by reading.......

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