Callie. | Teen Ink


January 28, 2025
By essiesmith BRONZE, Edomond, Oklahoma
essiesmith BRONZE, Edomond, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear callie

When you died

I was broken,

December 19th

Cancer took over.

I still grieve

Nothing we could do

You were weak.

Our life was broken 

You still remain in

Our hearts 

Our minds, forever.

Still healing.

So many pets but

None like you,

You weren't like rest.

You were the best.

Your green eyes,

Spotted tan, black

Small paws,

And white body 

Will be missed

The author's comments:

I made this poem for my older sister when her cat died. she was broken and I felt really bad. so I made this for her! :)

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