Walking Away | Teen Ink

Walking Away

August 4, 2009
By TayMar GOLD, Copley, Ohio
TayMar GOLD, Copley, Ohio
11 articles 5 photos 18 comments

I’m confused.
I love you but I’m not sure if you do.
I’ve never felt this way before,
But I think you’ve lost all feelings.
What can I say for you to look at me?
What can I do that will make you take notice and action?
But I’m not desperate.
And I’m not your mom.
I’m not going to do exactly as you say nor will I expect you to do exactly what I want you to do.
You’re not a horse so I’m not leading you to the clean water that I think I could be and I’m not going to steer you away from filthy mud if that’s what you desire.
Maybe I just need to watch over my own pastures.
Maybe I have to become my own wild horse and run away to unchartered land.


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