Oh thy road! | Teen Ink

Oh thy road!

August 10, 2009
By gabb[eh!] SILVER, St-Joachim, Other
gabb[eh!] SILVER, St-Joachim, Other
8 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Oh so high to climb,
are these stones,
thy fence growing ever darker,
Oh thy growns!
shadows upon mine self,
upon mine soul,
Oh the darkness!
Slithering to such a full,
Across the lands of thy,
mind meadows,
thy flowing conscious river
Oh how it grows!
the venom from mine,
darkness serpent
Why doth it scream?
Oh lack of repent!
I am but a soul.
To be forever swallowed,
by thy stone fence shadows,
Oh...thy long road...
Where is thy hope?
For my soul is leaving,
Whilst my tears bathe my fears,
Oh...why art though crying?...
Thy meadows are gone.
Thy river is almost empty,
With no water, no grass,
Oh...see me as i lie...

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