Heartbroken | Teen Ink


August 23, 2009
By Aloravana PLATINUM, Wakonda, South Dakota
Aloravana PLATINUM, Wakonda, South Dakota
29 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I don't care about what people say I don't have time to waste to try to please them.

'Heart broken' says the heart which once had adored for you and openly admitted love to you.
Now that love is gone and it is replaced with the same detest and pure undying hatred for you. Same that you had and still have for me.
You thought of me as a weak and annoying fan girl that was obsessive; after this I was tired of walking in yours and his shoes so I changed.
I am now a strong individual that will not need your petty protection. I have a cold emotionless heart that does not care for any. Just like your greatest hate and pain has for yourself.
Did I hit your pathetic sore spot? Oh well! When you hit mine I used to cry until my heart had to stop bleeding, I don't have that preposterous weakness now. It has been heal and is no more. Yours is alive I can feel it.
Your weak spot is same reason that you try everyday to do those two things. Sad isn't it? You whose is annoying. Why? You ask it is because you can't get over the past and it is unhonorable of you.
You have to depend on the opposite sex to be entertaining to you and to pleasure you in such a vile way, while I have no need for trivial attractions or such petty actions.
You are the one who is weak and pathetic because you who can't even destroy you greatest fear even at you day in age. Your chance has passed.
Now it is you heart that says 'heart broken' and don't try to love me or adore me it won't work cause I love you greatest fear.
Tuesday, 25 December, 2007


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