My Love | Teen Ink

My Love

September 11, 2009
By decomposing_hearts GOLD, Bethlehem, New Hampshire
decomposing_hearts GOLD, Bethlehem, New Hampshire
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I walk into the open
I feel your arms around my waist
Your breath on my neck
I look up and I see the moon illuminate your flawless face
I keep staring and staring
wanting so much to touch it
To make sure that it's really there
But as I reach up to touch you
Your hand catches mine
Are eyes meet
I see a scared and sad creature
I long so much for you to tell me who you really are
But you won't let me in
But to my surprise
You rais my hand to your face
Pressing your cold cheek to my hand
My thumb starts to brush your lips
Slowly parting to taste my skin
You lean your head in
And gently brush your lips down my cheek
Until finally are lips meet
As if me are a moment lost in time

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This article has 3 comments.

on Oct. 2 2009 at 8:42 am
dylonmichael GOLD, El Dorado, Kansas
10 articles 3 photos 118 comments

Favorite Quote:
i have two one is "live life as if it were your last day on earth" and two is "never make some one your everything because when they leave you you have nothing"

awwwwww i loved it it was so sweet and romantic yay good job

on Oct. 1 2009 at 6:26 am
decomposing_hearts GOLD, Bethlehem, New Hampshire
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment
thank you it took me a long time to write it but its one of my favorite

on Sep. 29 2009 at 11:28 am
omg!!!!! ii love diis poem iits sooo cute

