The king | Teen Ink

The king

October 14, 2009
By pjohnson BRONZE, Park City, Utah
pjohnson BRONZE, Park City, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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I am the king of all that you see,
I am the king of you and of me.
But as I ponder in the night,
I remember a dreadfull fright.
My kingdom is shrinking as you can tell,
all that is left are some trees and a well.
look at those humans with thier evil eyes,
that gun in thier hands is for sure my demise.
and as the shot rang out,
the father died,
leaving the baby scared and wide eyed.
there was one final bang, and it all went dark,
the hunters next bullet hade made its mark.
the kingdom is lost,
all that remained was a chilly frost.
dead is the king.

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